Créez un compte

Remplissez vos coordonnées et inscrivez-vous

Si vous avez moins de 16 ans, vous ne pouvez vous inscrire que sur une piste RaceFacer avec un parent.

* All fields with stars are mandatory

J'accepte de recevoir des e-mails concernant:
Promotions et remises
Bulletin - calendrier des événements et nouvelles fonctionnalités
Instructions et astuces pour une meilleure conduite
Termes et conditions, politique de confidentialité et politique de cookies
Dear karting fans,

RaceFacer seeks to protect your personal data. We adopt the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as a step forward in strengthening data protection in the European Union and we make every effort to ensure that your data is protected.

In this regard, we want to inform you that a minimum personal information is required to maintain your account, which includes: name and surname, email, picture, date of birth, country and city.

The provision of other personal information is entirely at your discretion. If you wish, you can supplement your account with data such as: mobile phone and personal kilograms. This information is needed to:

- Create a personal profile on the social platform
- Participation in rankings by age group and kilograms
- Accumulation of kilometers / Laps to get discounts
- Storing personal results
- Accumulation of ranking points
- Identify user as account owner with a picture
- Picture preview on track monitors, results monitor, rankings monitor, sharing on social networks
- Declaration of agreement and knowledge of the rules on the certain karting track
- Sales analysis

By creating a profile you agree to receive a confirmation email for the registration.

Your consent is valid as long as you have a profile on You can change your profile settings or delete your entire account at any time using

Press "I agree" to accept the “Terms and Conditions”, “Privacy Policy” and “Cookies Policy”.

Our Personal Data Protection Team is at your disposal if you have any questions and need assistance please send mail to